5 ways to improve a bad bounce rate for ecommerce websites

5 ways to improve a bad bounce rate for ecommerce websites

Grow Your Business

Just like a real shop prepares its floor layout and presentation so customers stay and browse, an ecommerce shop needs to do the same.

If you notice your customers aren't visiting for long, you are likely suffering from a high bounce rate. While it's good that not all customers stay around - after all, not everyone will be your target audience - you might need to investigate when it seems everyone is making a hasty retreat.

Bounce rate explained

The bounce rate of a website is the percentage of visitors that view one page and then leave. A high bounce rate is bad as this means that most visitors to your website aren't staying to browse.

Why do customers leave so quickly?

There are a few reasons behind a high bounce rate:

  • The website is low quality and customers instantly have distrust
  • The website is difficult to navigate
  • Visitors couldn't find what they were looking for
  • The page was too slow to load
  • Visitors quickly found the information they needed and left

Of course, for an ecommerce dropshipping business, the goal is to make online shoppers feel welcome. Enticing them to browse more products often leads to more sales.

What is a bad bounce rate?

To find out a bad bounce rate, it's important to first know the average for different websites. According to Renolon, these are the average bounce rate key benchmarks in 2022:

  • Average across all industries, 47%
  • Average for ecommerce websites, 47%
  • Average for mobile users, 49%
  • Average for Facebook ads, 20-40%
  • Average for B2B websites, 75%
  • Average for homepages, 41-55%

A bounce rate between 26-40% is considered excellent as customers are interested enough to explore your website. Over 70% bounce rate is considered very worrying.

Google, however, suggests that a high bounce rate is perfectly normal (70-90%) for a single-page website such as a blog. Likewise, landing pages have an average bounce rate of 70-90%.

Small ecommerce sites have a higher bounce rate

A study of over 10,000 ecommerce sites by ContentSquare in 2020 found that smaller players have on average a bounce rate three times higher than top competitors.

With this data in mind, don't be disheartened by a high bounce rate. By reviewing your site and implementing improvements, increasing the number of online sales is just on the horizon.

How to prevent a high bounce rate

The golden question is, how do you prevent a high number of online visitors from quickly vanishing from your ecommerce website?

1. Improve the page loading time

A slow webpage is one of the most irritating things to encounter. These days, internet users expect websites to load within 2 seconds:

“There have been studies by Akamai who found that two seconds is actually the threshold for e-commerce site acceptability. Meaning that that’s what users like to shop with. At Google, we aim for under a half second.” Maile Ohye, Google, 2010

2. Make it easy to navigate

It should be simple and logical for visitors to find their way around your ecommerce site. Keep header menus concise and think about how a user would want to get to each page. Decide if each page is relevant and makes sense.

3. Website design to impress

In this digital age, the bar is high for website design expected from online shoppers. It doesn't have to be mind-blowing, but it should have:

  • Text that is easy to read (be careful with background images)
  • Text that is large enough
  • A font that makes reading less hard work
  • Concise copy that is to-the-point and with keywords
  • Colours that don't strain the eyes
  • Large, high-quality images of the ecommerce products
  • Key information about each product
  • Contact information
  • Delivery information
4. Check for website errors

If a particular webpage has an extraordinarily high bounce rate, it could be due to a technical issue. This could be an error in the coding or a plugin that has malfunctioned.

There might also be broken links on your website to other pages. Free tools such as Broken Link Check quickly check your site for broken links. Power Mapper is another free tool that also checks for script errors and server configuration issues.

5. Improve your copywriting

Good copywriting shouldn't be underestimated. A website riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes can really turn off your potential customers. The same goes for jargon, long and complicated sentences, cliche and overused buzz words, and too much text that takes forever to read.

Ecommerce websites are geared towards selling products, so copy should only be limited to the product information pages, a blog, and other information such as shipping and support. Keep the copy short and sweet on your homepage and instead make it easy for them to click through to the products.

Grow Your Business

Sophie Lockyer

Sophie Lockyer is a British marketing writer with expertise in ecommerce, digital marketing, and B2C business strategy. She has over eight years of marketing experience in Europe.