How to create the perfect about us page (that makes money)

How to create the perfect about us page (that makes money)

Grow Your Business

Successful dropshippers know that each webpage of their ecommerce store is an opportunity to make a sale. Don't let your about us page drag you down with bad copywriting, a boring story, and no plan to encourage a purchasing decision.

Do dropshipping stores need an about us page?

The short answer is yes.

Many companies, not just dropshippers, neglect their website's about us page. It is often seen as unimportant, however, it is a powerful conversion tool.

Online shoppers visit the about us page of ecommerce retailers when they are unsure whether to buy. This often happens with a company that consumers are not familiar with.

To make consumers feel reassured, an about us page should be as convincing as possible. It is the place to explain more about the company's beginnings, the team, its mission statement, and company values.

After reading an engaging about us page, a consumer should feel confident enough to make a purchase.

The purpose of an about us page:

  • Strengthen your brand image
  • Engage the customer
  • Build trust
  • Win a sale
  • Encourage brand loyalty

How to write the perfect about us page

As we have explained, an about us page shouldn't just provide details about your company. It should serve to make money. How? By taking time to craft your dropshipping about us page to be engaging.

Here are the steps to follow.

1. Share the story of your brand

Of course, not every dropshipping company has an impressive story behind it. This is where you need to use some good storytelling skills.

Start with the basics. Put together the key information that consumers will be interested to know:

  • When the company was founded
  • Who started the company
  • Why they chose their specific niche
  • How their products serve a gap in the market
  • The company's core values

Don't feel compelled to include all of this information. After all, you don't want to overwhelm visitors to your website with an autobiography.

Now you have some key details, craft them into a story.

What does this mean? Apply a narrative to the origin story of your dropshipping company. Make it human and authentic and find ways to connect to your readers on a personal level.

What are the rules of great storytelling?

You can use the 5 Cs of business storytelling: circumstance, curiosity, characters, conversations, and conflicts.

The greatest stories appeal to your audience's deepest emotions and are simple and focused.

2. Don't kill the story with corporate-speak

The main point of an outstanding about us page is to connect with the audience. Regardless if your target consumer is B2B or B2C, you should write H2H (human to human).

As soon as you fill your about us page with jargon, corporate talk, long words, overused buzzwords, and sales text, you kill your reader's interest.

Using too much business language doesn't impress your website visitors. If anything, it makes you sound boring.

Keep your sentences short, easy to read, and extremely easy to understand.

Don't forget that website visitors don't have time to waste. They want to find information quickly, make a buying decision, and move on.

3. Show how you stand out

Without going crazy with the sales talk, highlight the unique selling points (USPs) of your products.

Make it clear to consumers why they should buy from your dropshipping store instead of competitors.

In just a sentence or two, show how you stand out from other ecommerce businesses that may have a similar offering.

4. Add testimonials and reviews

For consumers that don't know your brand well, adding testimonials and reviews can seal the deal. This is also known as social proof.

It's paramount to use genuine feedback from previous buyers. Include the most glowing testimonials you have to reap the rewards. Online shoppers take these seriously when deciding whether to place an order.

Don't have any customer reviews? Try creating a customer survey. Send an email to your customer list and offer a small discount for a review of a product or their customer experience.

5. Finish with a call-to-action

To end your about us page, you must include a call-to-action (CTA).

Without a nudge for your readers to go to your product page, subscribe to your mailing list, or follow your brand on social media, you are missing out!

Don't lose your audience after all the hard work you put into creating a perfect about us page.

Readers will naturally expect some sort of CTA once they reach the end of your brand story. You might even include more than one. Just make sure you don't add more than three or risk overwhelming your reader with too many choices.

To round up

A compelling about us page showcases your passion for your dropshipping niche. Highlighting a problem you have seen in your niche and how your brand offers a solution is a great way to show you are a trustworthy retailer. Follow these tips to create a money-making about us page to encourage your readers to place an order.

Grow Your Business

Sophie Lockyer

Sophie Lockyer is a British marketing writer with expertise in ecommerce, digital marketing, and B2C business strategy. She has over eight years of marketing experience in Europe.